Open Hearts lead to Open Minds

Kindr Schools


Teaching Mindful Kindness Is What We Do

By creating a compassionate and understanding learning environment, educators contribute to the healing process, empowering students to navigate challenges and challenging thoughts, develop resilience, and reshape behavioral responses to be more mindful, positive, and adaptive. 

In just 3 years, more than 265 schools have implemented Mindful Kindness programs funded by our foundation, reaching more than 800,000 students. As part of these initiatives, schools create weekly classroom lessons and develop scores of innovative out-of-classroom activities that inspire and reward acts of mindful kindness.

As part of our grant funding, our community of schools has allowed us to share all lessons and materials they developed free of charge to make spreading kindness easy. After all, sharing is caring! Scroll down to find these materials. 

Add Mindful Kindness to your classroom today!

We offer curricula and resources as a guide for those seeking to experience the kindness effect and looking for a roadmap to implement proven kindness education and mindfulness programs today. The Kindr Schools Toolkit and the Lasting Happiness Workbook are the perfect tools to easily add moments of mindful kindness to your day.

Our Tier 1 Kindness Programs teach four basic kindness skills that foster a climate of kindness and inclusiveness: be friendly, offer help, show appreciation, and reach out to those in need.

Mindful Kindness curricula, designed for Tier 2 & 3 intervention, teach students who have experienced Adverse Childhood Traumas (ACEs) how to build emotional resilience, form strong bonds with friends, family, and teachers, and find lasting happiness.  

Apply for one of our grants to receive $750 to $2,000 to start a classroom project, school-wide programming, district-wide initiatives, or community plan.

Join the community of teachers and administrators coming together to ignite a culture of kindness and to ensure all children have access to mindful kindness techniques and tools that will lead to lasting happiness. 

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What we Do

Our Impact










Tier 1 Kindness Toolkit

The Kindr Foundation has developed a guide for schools to integrate the teaching of kindness into PBIS Tier 1 implementations. The Educator's Guide provides an overview of the process and the Appendices provide examples from Kindr Foundation partner schools.

Tier 1 Kindness Toolkit
A Toolkit for Teaching School-wide Kindness

View Toolkit

Our Causes/Programs

10,000 Schools by 2030...

We provide schools with the curriculum and grants needed to bring more kindness and emotional support. Anyone connected to a school can apply to join the Kindr ... (Click to Read More)

Kindr School
Goal: $250,000
Pledged: $25,270
+ Donate

It Takes a Village
