We make growing kindness possible

Kindr Communities


Kindness Brings Communities Together

Welcome to Kindr Community Programs, where our mission is to spread the practice of mindful kindness to everyone, with a special focus on serving underserved and marginalized communities. Tailored to support high-risk youth by alleviating anxiety, depression, and isolation, our programs cultivate essential skills for building strong relationships, learning to process emotions, and fostering resilience.

At the heart of our approach is the Lasting Happiness curriculum, dedicated to teaching mindfulness techniques that encourage cultivating kind habits and reducing or eliminating unkind habits.

Join us in cultivating a culture of Mindful Kindness. We serve to create a community of Kindful Organizations and are excited to offer grants to aligned organizations, including community youth groups, juvenile justice initiatives, and after-school programs. 


Apply for a Grant Today!

With a vast amount of scientific evidence, we know the critical role mindfulness and kindness play in building and sustaining nurturing relationships and therefore nurturing communities.

The Lasting Happiness Project is a 15-chapter skills-based workbook with carefully selected youth-related stories and step-by-step exercises that provide opportunities to implement mindful kindness tools.

Readers recognize the emotional and social dynamics affecting their lives and learn how to proactively navigate life's emotional journey. The program gives youth the opportunity to change self-defeating habits and replace them with self-identified, healthy behaviors. 

Send us an email at [email protected] to learn how you can implement this program cost-free.

Relationships are fueled by kindness!
What We Do

Our Statistics




Community Programs


At-Risk Youth


Grants Given

Our Causes/Programs

10,000 Schools by 2030...

We provide schools with the curriculum and grants needed to bring more kindness and emotional support. Anyone connected to a school can apply to join the Kindr ... (Click to Read More)

Kindr School
Goal: $250,000
Pledged: $25,270
+ Donate

It Takes a Village
