Effects of the Breakthrough Miami Project, 2021-22
Effects of the Breakthrough Miami Project, 2021-22
January 2023
Bonnie Grossen
Evaluation Director
Breakthrough Miami provides an academic enrichment program that uses a student-teaching-students model to ensure that motivated, under-resourced 5th–12th-grade students have access to excellent educational opportunities, graduate from high school on time, and attend college. Breakthrough Miami incorporated the Lasting Happiness (LH) workbook study into their Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program for 775 teens in 5 campuses.
Saturday Program During School Year:
At the end of the school year, 259 scholars took a survey.
- 68% of Scholars reported feeling confident in using mindfulness as a strategy to support their mental health.
- 69% of Scholars reported being able to react and respond to difficult situations with a growth mindset.
- 80% of Scholars reported they developed close relationships with staff and volunteers.
- 79% of Scholars reported feeling confident in being themselves at Breakthrough.
- 85% of Scholars reported they felt a valued part of the Breakthrough community.
Summer Survey Highlights:
At mid-summer and end of summer, 369 scholars took both surveys.
- 73% increase from mid-summer to post-summer surveys of Scholars who Strongly Agreed, “I am starting to become more mindful (aware of my feelings and aware of other’s feelings) due to the SEW Advisory activities (meditation, yoga, stretching, journaling).”
- 64% of Scholars reported Social Emotional Wellness program in Advisory made a positive impact on their Breakthrough experience.
- 65% of Scholars reported as a result of the Breakthrough SEW program “I am kinder to myself and others.”
- 75% of Teaching Fellows reported, “I am starting to become more kind to myself and others.”
Details of the results can be found at this link: Miami Breakthrough Project_January23-R.pdf